Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Battle of Fort Pillow

12 April 1864 (Civil War)
"For Pillow marked one of the bleakest, saddest events of American military history"- Military Historial David J. Eicher

Located at Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River in Henning, Tennessee, one of the most controversial battles of the Civil war would be waged. At the end of the battle, the Union troops, which consisted of a large quantity of African-Americans, attempted surrender; however, instead of being held as war prisoners, the Union troops were massacred under the order of Nathan Bedford Forrest-- A Confederate Major General.

Image result for fort pillow

Black Soldiers

Lincoln's newly enabling the black troops in the midst of the civil war increased the anger The South had towards The Union. The saw these actions as "uncivilized" in accordance to their scrutiny towards the increased rights of African Americans. In May off 1863, the south would pass a law asserting that Black US Soldiers captured while fighting against the Confederacy would be sent to a lifetime of involuntary servitude or be sentenced to death under a civil court. The treatment the South would have towards African Americans would be brutal, as history would prove time and time again. 


The Confederates would commence slaughter after they successfully won the battle at Fort Pillow. The Black troops of the union would be massacred in the cold blood as they surrendered and threw down their arms. The Confederates would later claim to have shot under self-defense. Southern Lieutenant Daniel Van Horn and other confederates alike would claim "There never was a surrender of the fort, both officers and men declaring they never would surrender or ask for quarter." However, it was later discovered that "the poor, deluded negroes would run up to our men, fall upon their knees, and with uplifted hand scream for mercy, but were ordered to their feet and then shot down." on account of a Confederate sergeant. Historians claim that the massacre was a symbol of southern resentment towards African American rights. For the south, it would be difficult for them to ever look at an African American equally whether it's as a soldier or as a citizen. 

This battle would further garner Union support in the north and fuel African American Soldiers in later battles. 

Sunday, August 19, 2018


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Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...