Sunday, September 30, 2018

19th Century American Imperialism

Beginning in the latter half of the 19th century, the concept of Imperialism spread throughout the United States.  While industrialization continued to grow, the US wished for outside markets to disperse and sell their goods in order to achieve a greater net profit.  One of the ways this was seen as plausible was through imperialism, or the expansion of a nation's influence over another.  The "mother nation" grows in size and in power, which set off somewhat of a chain reaction in the late 1800's to the medial 1900's , resulting in other nations expanding in attempt to keep up.

In the late 19th century, America had gained influence in a multitude of countries including Germany, Philippines, Japan, Cuba, Korea, Austria, and others.  Hawaii was added to the United States in 1898, which gave the US full control over the land and the former Hawaiian government.

In conjunction with the rise of this ideology, came the birth of imperialistic opposition.  One of the most notable was the American Anti- Imperialist League, comprised of a plethora of individuals, all against imperialism.  In order to achieve maximum influence over the population, publication of anti- imperialistic propaganda were orchestrated and distributed to the mass public.  Image result for imperialism usImage result for anti imperialist propaganda 1900s

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the organization of this blog; I like how you explain US imperialism and then show which countries that US imperialized. From this, I learned about imperialistic opposition which was really interesting because I knew that some opposed imperialism but I didn't know there was an official league for it.

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