Thursday, September 13, 2018


Geronimo was a "leader and medicine man from the Bedonkohe Band from the Apache tribe."His grandfather was the chief of the Bedonkohe Apache and when he his whole life he was raised through the Apache traditions. Geronimo lost his parents on March 5 1858, when a group of over 400 Mexicans attacked Geronimo's camp . He wasn't very happy about that so him and 3 other Apache bands joined together to carry out resistances to the Mexican Military campaign. He was never a chief and people weren't ordered to follow him, but people knew him as a great leader when it came to warfare. In the 1840-1850's the U.S was expanding its territory and Geronimo's tribe was in the area and he had avoided the entry of white settlers but after years if fighting the U.S and the tribe had made a peace negotiation and then was when most of the tribe people were sent to Arizona or San Carlos. In 1877 Geronimo was caught and taken to San Carlos to be imprisoned, during that time he and others from his tribe had escaped and tried to recruit people to go with him to escape but failed. The 3rd escape he got away successfully and about a quarter of the U.S army was on the hunt for Geronimo. On September 4th 1886 he finally surrendered in Arizona and spent the last 23 years of his life as a prisoner of war. In February of 1909 he was riding his horse and was all of a sudden taken down by someone and had to lie on the ground all alone and it was so cold and no one was there to help him. That caused him to get very sick and die if pneumonia.

Image result for How did Geronimo Really Die?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very informative post on the successes of tactically skilled Native leaders. It's interesting to see how he was not a general, yet people still trusted his orders and followed through

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