Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Oscar Micheaux

Oscar Micheaux was a film director, author, and independent producer. He made more than 40 movies. He was born on January 2, 1884. He had his own movie company and was the first African - American to make a film. One of his greatest film was the “Birth of Nation” (1915). The film is about 3 hours long. It was about how Ku Klux Klan was the “heros” and it justified the violent oppression of African - Americans to avoid miscegenation.

Oscar Micheaux made movies that challenged racial segregation. He produced movies that were both silent and talking. There were many other African - American producer but he was the most successful one at that time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job! I like how you touched on the points that we spoke about in class because it made it a lot easier to remember who Micheaux was. I think that it is very interesting that he was able to both produce films with very controversial subject matters, and challenge themes present in films that were marketed towards white people, without facing any apparent, negative consequences. His bravery as a citizen and talent as a producer is very admirable, especially due to his extensive career as an African American man in America at the time.

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