Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Woodrow Wilson

Often referred to as the last progressive president,  Woodrow Wilson began a national reform program called New Freedom. Unlike Roosevelt and Taft, Wilson's predecessors, Wilson didn't want to just take down some trusts and monopolies, he wanted to take them all down. He believed that all trusts hurt the development of small businesses and ordinary citizens.  He ultimately failed; however, he did further the progressive ideal of limiting big corporation's power Wilson was also responsible for abolition act, which banned the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and the modern Keating-Owen Child Labor Act, which prohibited companies from hiring workers under 14 years old.
Image result for woodrow wilson


Anonymous said...

I like the contrast you displayed between Wilson and former Presidents Roosevelt and Taft.

Anonymous said...

Very intersting! I like how your post gave a clear description of Wilson's domestic policy and how it differed from past presidents. I think your post did a great job of highlighting these differences and recognizing the ways that Wilson interacted with his position and his country.

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