Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Alice Roosevelt

Alice Lee Roosevelt Longsworth, or Alice Roosevelt, was President Theodore Roosevelt's oldest child and born to him of his first wife. She grew up as a socialite in a politically-charged environment with her father being a State Assemblyman and her mother a banking heiress. Fun fact: she descended from the Schuyler family, the same whose daughter married Alexander Hamilton. She married a Republican Representative from Ohio named Nicholas Longworth III, but it was a fragile marriage and her first and only baby was allegedly the love child of Senator William Edgar Borah from Idaho. She was a lifelong Republican until her allegiances sided with Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson, in the 1964 election, and later Bobby Kennedy in 1968. When her father first took office as President, she started a fashion trend as a stylish icon. She stayed out late with men, had a pet snake, and did other very non-stereotypically feminine things like smoking in public. All in all, she raised a lot of scandal in her complete change of how women should act. She was inarguably a mover and a shaker, a trendsetter of her time.


Anonymous said...

How did she get to where she is now? What did she do or did someone help her get to where she was.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting account of the change that Alice Roosevelt brought to the status quo and how her behavior shifted the beliefs of how women should behave. Something to think about would be how her actions spurred on other women to break the boundaries of how they were expected to act.

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...