Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Alice Roosevelt

At the time of Alice Roosevelt’s birth, her father was a New York assemblyman. Her mother died two days after her birth, and during her father’s long absence in Dakota Territory she was reared by an aunt. After her father’s marriage in December 1886 to Edith kermit Carow and the establishment of the family seat at Sagamore Hill in Oyster bay, Long Island, she grew up in a home of wealth, tradition, and politics.When her father became U.S. president in 190, Alice Roosevelt became the centre of national attention.


Anonymous said...

Alice became the center of attention 1901 because of her iconic actions. In a time of conformity, Alice was seen sparking fashions trends for women, smoking cigarettes in public, riding in cars with men, and staying out late to party.

Anonymous said...

Interesting topic but I would of liked to know a bit more about why she gained the attention specifically (such as what Franklin commented)

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting how she was so different from the rest of the women in the society. With the help of her father being the president, she was able to exemplify herself as a strong female who believed in equal treatment for both genders.

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...