Sunday, October 7, 2018

Alice Roosevelt

When Theodore Roosevelt become president Alice quickly became an instant celebrity and fashion icon; so much so that a shade of blue became known as “Princess Alice Blue.” During a time when women were fighting for the right to vote, Alice constantly challenged the ideas on what it meant to be an American woman; she behaved unpredictably, she went to parties and dressed fashionably, smoked cigarettes, would ride unchaperoned in cars with men, engaged in voodoo, and even carried around a pet snake. Her marriage to Nicholas Longworth was one of the biggest events in the history of the White House. She was said to cut into her wedding cake with a ceremonial sword she took from her father's military aid. Alice was also banned from the White House after her family moved out, for burying a voodoo doll of Nallie Taft carrying a hex in the garden, and for making a rude joke at President Wilson’s expense.


Anonymous said...

Nice summary of this fascinating woman in American history! I find it particularly interesting how societal expectations have changed from that time to now. Now, many of her behaviors are not unusual, even normalized, for girls in high school.

Anonymous said...

This blog was very informative and engaging. I love the different examples of what Alice Roosevelt did that contrasted with society norms at that time.

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