Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Analyzing Propaganda of World War I

Image result for world war 1 propagandaThis image represents the Germans (as seen on the hat and the mustache) as evil barbarians shown through the image of an ape. This piece of propaganda is encouraging men to enlist in the US army to defend America against the Germans. In this picture, the Germans are stepping on the ground that reads America showing that "The Germans are coming." The ape is holding a big stick with the word translated to English meaning culture. The artist is trying to show that the Germans are spreading their barbaric and destructive (as seen in the background with all the destroyed buildings and the gore on the stick) cultures to America. Finally, the ape is holding a woman, showing the loss of innocence under Germanic influence or loss of power if it represents the statue of liberty.

This is another very well-known propaganda poster to encourage enlisting in the US Army. It shows Uncle Sam the representation of America sternly pointing at "you" so that young men would feel inspired and feel a duty to join in because Uncle Sam is directly requesting at them.

Finally, this is another significant piece that shows again a barbaric, war loving, and death hungry Germany. Here a dead Uncle Sam or President Wilson, or whomever one may imagine it to be lies dead on the floor killed by the Germans. The other Americans are begging for their lives and held at gunpoint. This is to instill fear in Americans that if they don't "fight now" they would have to face the Germans and ultimately death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very detailed analysis of the propaganda used in the Great War and the ways that it affected the American people, its allies, and its enemies. Another thing to look into would be the propaganda used by the central powers to instill a hatred towards the Americans and the Allies.

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