Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The "New Negro"

During the Harlem Renaissance, the idea of a "New Negro" was very prominent. Harlem was an area where blacks could freely express their opinion without getting attacked by whites. "New Negro's" were blacks who expressed their culture and experiences through art, poetry, music, and literature.

William Grant Still by Carl Van Vechten.jpgAn example of a famous "New Negro" was William Grant Smith who was a very prominent art music composer, he is known as the "Dean of Afro-American Composers". Many of his works are considered some of the most famous African American musical works as of today. He has written five symphonies and eight operas. His first symphony is known to be the most widely performed African American symphony performed by Americans. He was the first black man ever to conduct a white orchestra. Overall, William Grant Smith is a very important figure in the history of blacks, especially in music.

Langston_Hughes_2Another example of a famous "New Negro" was Langston Hughes, who is very well known all for his many talents in poetry, social activism, novels, short stories, and literature. Langston Hughes was considered a leader during the Harlem Renaissance because of his stirring and powerful ideas and activism. He made such an impact in the US that there was an organization after his death that helped carry on his ideas, called the Langston Hughes Society. Overall, Langston Hughes was a very impactful and powerful figure during the Harlem Renaissance, he embodied the figure of the "New Negro" very well.


Anonymous said...

Very insightful on how important of a role the Harlem Renaissance played in getting closer to complete racial equality. Many African Africans were finally able to pursue their own happiness without repercussions.

Anonymous said...

It is lovely to imagine these African Americans finally expanding not only their range of jobs but also their role in society. By finding jobs in which they can express themselves and pursue their passions, they are able to prove to the public that they are more than just a cheap workforce; they are real people, with dreams and aspirations as bright as anyone else's.

Anonymous said...

Very informative on how the Harlem Renaissance served as an outlet in letting blacks embrace their diversity through music, poetry, art, literature, and other mediums. This time period was one in which people who were oppressed could work together to change the false assumptions and mistreatment in society.

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