Monday, October 15, 2018

Wilson's Fourteen Points

Woodrow Wilson's conduct in the First World War was primarily intended to reduce conflict in the post-war world. The war was quite controversial at first, and so Wilson campaigned in 1916 on the promise that he, unlike his opponent, would not take the nation into the war. Wilson reneged on this promise after being elected and said he needed to take America to war to help democracy to prevail. As the war dragged on, Wilson stated that the conflicting forces needed to follow a fourteen-point plan. Wilson's Fourteen Points were essentially as follows:

  1. No more fighting, no secret treaties or agreements.
  2. Freedom to travel on the seas without being attacked.
  3. Abolition of economic barriers and equality of economic conditions.
  4. Guarantees that the countries would demilitarize as much as possible.
  5. "Adjustment of all colonial claims," a restructuring of the imperial colonies owned by the major powers in the war.
  6. Don't interfere with Russia, troops need to get out and the country should be helped to be as democratic as possible.
  7. Belgium needs to be evacuated and rebuilt without being taken over.
  8. France should be un-invaded.
  9. Italy's borders should be changed.
  10. Austria-Hungary should be autonomous.
  11. Troops should be removed from Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro.
  12. Turkish part of the Ottoman Empire gets its own sovereignty, but the other nationalities get to be autonomous.
  13. Poland should be established for Polish people.
  14. League of Nations should be established.
The Fourteen Points were praised by most Europeans but criticized by America's allies, such as the leaders of the powers. Wilson won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to bring about peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good introduction and description of Wilson's ideas. He wanted to maintain peace while other countries wanted revenge against Germany.

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