Thursday, October 11, 2018

World War 1

28 July, 1914 was the date the First world war started. It started in Europe, but it would spread to the United States.  In 4 years, 9 million soldiers and seven million civilians were killed. It was thought that the Balkan war was ultimately the one that controlled the conflicts escalating into World War One. On the 28th of July 1914, a Bosnian Serb assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand Sarajevo, leading to diplomatic wrangling and secret treaties being triggered.  The US wouldn't join the War until the last two years
Image result for world war 1


Anonymous said...

Great summary of World War 1. How did the US get involved into the war?

Anonymous said...

I wish this summary went a bit more in depth in terms of the alliances and magnitude of the war, not just on the death toll but perhaps economically to the winning and the losing countries. Maybe even the link between the Treaty of Versailles and Germany's desperation leading into WWII

Anonymous said...

Pretty good summary but you could give more insight on why the US got involved in the war

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