Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Adolf Hitler before WW2 and Nazis

Image result for hitler's art
One of Hitler's Art Pieces
Hitler's Early Life
Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 and ironically, study shows that Hitler had Jewish Ancestors. Growing up, Hitler had an abusive father. After his younger brothers death, Hitler went from a confident and outgoing boy to one who constantly fought with others. Hilter grew up developing strong German nationalist views. After his father's death, Hitler tried to pursue fine art in Vienna. He applied for admission to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna but was rejected twice. He became broke and homeless and tried to survive by making paintings and selling them on the streets of Vienna. Hitler was first exposed to racism, specifically anti-Semitism, after watching Lohengrin's 10 opera performances. Hitler grew extreme admiration towards Martin Luther and von Schonerer. Up to this point, he was racist and discriminating, however, he didn't take action against Jews yet. Historians believe that it was only after Germany's loss in World War I that he wanted to take action in his racism.

Hitler in WW1
During WWI; Hitler is on far right.
Hitler enlisted in the Bavarian Army, though historians have proved that his acceptance into the army was an error because he was an Austrian citizen and was supposed to be deported back to Austria. During WW1, he was awarded many medals for his bravery. He was wounded on the left thigh, temporarily blinded by mustard gas, and blinded temporarily again when he heard about Germany's loss. He blamed the loss on "the stab-in-the-back" myth in which he believed that Germany would have won, but Jews and others who lived in Germany betrayed Germany (where "stab in the back" comes from) and so they lost. As a proud German, Hitler was any that the Treaty of Versailles was an unjust humiliation on the Germans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is always interesting to learn about famous figures before they rose into the public eye. In Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield suffers from an array of mental illnesses likely arising from the death of his younger brother. Perhaps Adolf Hitler suffered like Holden from the death of his brother compounded with his father's abuse.

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