Monday, November 5, 2018

Evelyn Preer

Evelyn Preer (1896 - 1932) was an African-American actress and singer of the 1910s through the early 1930s.  In a period of American history where discrimination and hatred flourished, Preer was a trail-blazing icon for the black community.  Evelyn Preer was the first black actress to achieve celebrity in America, and she was known as the "First Lady of the Screen" within the black community.
Evelyn Preer, performer of the
early 20th century
Evelyn Preer was born in Vicksburg, Mississippi, but moved to Chicago after the death of her father.  After completing high school in the city, Preer pursued her acting career.  Her interest in acting was piqued by her experiences with vaudeville and street preaching. Evelyn Preer acted in both theatre and silent film, and later successfully transitioned into sound Hollywood films.

Preer's big break came when she was cast in Micheaux's film, "The Homesteader."  She went on to star in several of Micheaux's later films, including "Within Our Gates" and "The Conjure Woman."  Preer typically played dramatic characters who challenged the stereotypes of black people in American society.
A poster for "Within Our Gates," an
Oscar Micheaux film starring
Evelyn Preer and Charles Lucas
Preer also joined the Lafayette Players.  Founded by Anita Bush, the Lafayette Players were one of the first all-black theatrical stock companies.  The Lafayette Player Stock Company is commonly associated with the Harlem Renaissance, as it originated from Harlem, New York.  Preer starred in a number of Lafayette productions, ranging from Shakespearean dramas to mainstream classics.

Preer was a pioneering performer, especially considering the racial climate in America during the 1920s.  Preer's career was sadly ended prematurely, as she died of pneumonia in 1932.  Her roles in ground-breaking films and productions served to further the notion of black talent in an era where the success of African-Americans was frowned upon.
Ground-breaking actress Evelyn Preer


Anonymous said...

It was very interesting learning that she was the first white women to be and actress with blacks. What did others think of this??

Anonymous said...

I think that the attitude towards Evelyn Preer's career very much resembled the general American attitude towards the Harlem Renaissance. Her contribution to the art was admired, and possibly respected, but she was still not considered the equal of her white counterparts.

Anonymous said...

This was a really informative post. Preer must have been an extremely inspirational figure in the scene of acting and she must have motivated many black people through her acting in ground-breaking films like Micheaux's.

Anonymous said...

This was a really informative post. Preer must have been an extremely inspirational figure in the scene of acting and she must have motivated many black people through her acting in ground-breaking films like Micheaux's.

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