Thursday, November 29, 2018

Huey Long

Huey Long also is known as The Kingfish, an American politician and also the governor of Louisiana in between 1928-1932. Huey Long gave himself his nickname The Kingfish because he once said " I'm a small fish here in Washington. But I'm the kingfish to the folks down in Louisiana." He was the member of the US Senate from 1932 to 1935, which is the year he passes at the age of 42. Huey Long was assassinated on September 10, 1935, in Los Angles. He was such a big threat to Roosevelt, and Roosevelt didn't agree with what Huey believed. He believed that Roosevelt's New Deal was not going to be beneficial for the poor and the lower class. His solution was to the Share Our Wealth Act, which would help the poor and help them in many ways. Long split with  Roosevelt in June of 1933, where he then began to proceed his belief of taxing the wealthy. The Share our Wealth Act was a program that gave all American families a decent way of living and also a way to provide for themselves.
Image result for huey long share our wealth act


Anonymous said...

What did he believe in truly? Why didn't agree with the acts that Roosevelt was taking?

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to see what would have happened if Huey Long was not assassinated while he was running. It seems like Huey would have been favored by most of the poor people which at that time were many. Maybe things like the social security may not have been established?

Anonymous said...

you did a good job explaining his life and why he was considered a threat? Do you ever think there was any way that Huey and Roosevelt could combine their ideas to work together? They both wanted the best for the world but had different ways of expressing them.

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