Friday, November 16, 2018

Social Security

In 1935 President Roosevelt implemented federal Social Security programs. Through payroll tax, Social Security provided old age and disability insurance for Americans. The need for the programs came about as a result of the Great Depression. Due to the fact that American's were left with little to nothing and the inability to find jobs to get people back on track, federal aid was the solution that the Roosevelt administration came up with for people to fall back on in times of need. This was one of the many unprecedented actions taken by Roosevelt during the Hundred Days, which are still used to this day.


Anonymous said...

What have they done to improve things ?? How did things change for the people when they didn't have jobs, how did they earn them back?

Anonymous said...

How might this have impacted the Roosevelt administration financially though? How difficult must it have been to support all these people?

Anonymous said...

This was really smart idea by Roosevelt to set up something like this. It may have been hard to be able to support it before but ended up having a good result if we still use it until this day

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This was a good idea by Roosevelt to try and help the people. The only question is did he know how many people he needed to support and was he able to do that?

Anonymous said...

While this was a good idea by Roosevelt to try and fix the holes in the American economy, where was the money coming from? Surely the government was also practically broke at this time, and most people could barely afford to pay taxes. So where was the money coming from?

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