Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Scopes Trial

The Scopes Trial was something that became well known in the 1920's. The trial was between a substitute teacher named John Scopes who was teaching in Tennessee and had taught his class about evolution. At the time it was unlawful to teach evolution because of the fundamentalist and they believed that it was not right to connect science to the Bible because the Bible does not say anything about science.  Scoped was found guilty and he was fined $100. After this, a big question and different opinions came about on if modern science should be taught ins school. After this, the verdict was overturned because of technical reasons. In the picture, you can see the question of should modern science be taught in school and the people were split in their opinion and they couldn't come to a consensus.
Image result for scopes trial

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a good summary of what we learned in class. This is a great reminder as to why the education system needs to encompass a wide scope of topics that presents students with factual and accurate information rather ( as Scopes did), rather than limit the education of students.

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