Sunday, December 2, 2018

Abbott and Costello

Abbott and Costello also known as Lud Costello and Bud Abbot were an American comedy duo in the 1940's.There work became popular on radio and film and then television. Abbott was born into a circus family, and he spent a lot of time backstage studying the most up to date American Comics. In 1923, he produced his own show  called Broadway Flashes in which he played the lead role. Costello on the other hand spent most of his childhood following Charlie Chaplin and admired him dearly. He decided to move to Hollywood in 1927, where he started his career as a stuntman, but had to quit due to an injury. He left to New York and started working onstage there. In 1936 Costello and Abbott performed together and in 1936 they formed their duo. Their first routine and they one that they became famous for was "Who's on First?" which was a baseball sketch.


Anonymous said...

How big/famous did this duo get? How did they impact the Americans in this time of war?

Anonymous said...

Your article provides insight onto a key aspect of American culture during the late 30s-40s.I wonder if the comedy is still funny or if the content is too dated.

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...