Saturday, December 1, 2018

Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra was an American singer and actor, rising to fame in the early 1940's.  Born on the twelve of December, 1914, Sinatra suffered lifelong scarring and a damaged eardrum due to the use of forceps in assisting his mother's labor.

The damaged eardrum was enough to ensure Sinatra wouldn't serve in World War II- his enlistment was rejected.  Shortly after, Sinatra signed with Columbia Record in 1943.  Quickly gaining popularity and fame, Frank was viewed favorably among the American public.  As his music career began to lose traction in the 1950's Sinatra pursued acting and achieved even more success.

Sinatra became one of the best selling artists ever, having sold over 150 million records and winning eleven Grammy's by the end of his career.  Sinatra received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Reagan and and was regarded by Time Magazine as one of the twentieth century's most influential individuals.
Image result for frank sinatra

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was very interested by the specific details of his career, such as his acting and the amount of Grammy's he won. Also, I was very curious about the cause of his hearing impairment. This is very thorough and helpful!

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