Friday, December 14, 2018


World war two propaganda has to be one of the most crucial ways to racially profile countries. This type of propaganda was used to make the enemy look bad and hateful so that people would support the country to fight against them. They used the media so that they could get more attraction from people and have more people involved. One of the U.S biggest target was Japan. With this kind of propaganda, the U.S would make Japan look dreadful. They would see them as vicious animals and not very wise. That they were against every belief Americans had. On the other hand Germany also was a victim of this but not as much as Japan. Germany would just be seen as a foreign enemy that also had to be taken down.

Image result for tokio kid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What caused this difference in the propoganda between Germany and Japan? Was it because even then, people were even more prejudiced against Asian countries than against Western and European countries?

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