Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Racist Propaganda during WWII

During World War II, the propaganda aided in inciting fervor towards the war effort. These propaganda campaigns utilized racist and derogatory depictions of ethnic groups who were in conflict with the US. Remnants of the racial stereotypes and ideology produced by these images can still be found in today's society, unfortunately.

Propaganda has always been a common tool in warfare. Used the alter social perceptions, campaigns make use of dark colorings, thick lines, and draw attention to exaggerated traits to create negatives images. In the case of World War II, both the use of scare tactics and racist depicts are both enlisted in the creations of common propaganda campaigns. Purposefully placed props, like bloody daggers, added drama and effectively swayed the American view of the foreign countries at conflict.

In the image below, the American woman is depicted with favorable physical characteristics, while the Japanese man is made to look less human and more monster-like. This deepens the tension and disconnect between the two ethnicities.


Anonymous said...

really good explanation of how the propaganda was used. I think it was used in such a negative way because if you look at the way that the Japanese was portrayed no one thinks they look like that so I think it was a little extreme

Anonymous said...

Really interesting how they would do such a thing to encourage people to support the country even if it takes over exceeding the negativity

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