Thursday, December 6, 2018

Role of Women During WW2

American women did much during the World War 2 era to advance their role in society. During World War 2 women comprised of 65% of the workforces, whereas during pre-war times, they only accounted for 1%. They aided in the munitions industry as well as the aircraft industry. Female workers were empowered and encouraged to work by various advertising efforts such as Rosie the Riveter, who would be a symbol of female ingenuity and empowerment for generations to come.

Aside from the facts that women took up factory jobs to help the war effort, approximately 350,000 women served in the armed forces. They held crucial non-combatant positions, often working as emergency services. Another sector in which women served in the air forces was the Women's Airforce Service Pilots, which as unfortunately referred to as  WASPs. They were a group of licensed pilots who hauled planes from factories to bases and freed thousands of male pilots for active duty. Due to their lack of official military status, these women were not given proper recognition until 1977 when they received Congressional Gold Medals.


Anonymous said...

Good insight, it was a turning point for women because they were finally taking up jobs that only men would normally take in the masses.

Anonymous said...

This is probably one of the biggest movements women had to prove that they are capable of many things. Especially that it was supporting the country

Anonymous said...

This was such big turning point for the women and their lives because they finally got to contribute and help their country by getting jobs and working in the factories.

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