Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Double V Campaign

Since the beginning, African Americans have been fighting in wars alongside other Americans and they always hoped it would have earned them liberty and recognition under the law as equals. A popular publication representing these African Americans called the Pittsburgh Courier worked with the African Americans looking for recognition.  Once the U.S. got involved into World War II the Pittsburgh Courier was highlighting the fact that Hitler's words sounded very familiar to the African American ear. The publication came out with the slogan "Victory at Home & Victory Abroad," meaning that if African Americans are willing to fight and die for their country, then they should be recognized as equally part of the country. African Americans constantly argued, especially those going off to fight in World War II, that the country is constantly fighting to protect freedom and democracy in other countries and never worry about the freedom and democracy within their own country. These African Americans helping in the war were the key to pointing out the hypocrisy within the nation, and gave them a good way to advance in the struggle to end segregation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's important for the voices of African American war heroes to be heard. Often times these positive narratives are hidden or overlooked. Bringing attentions to their successes is crucial in maintaining an accurate portrayal of history and giving credit where it is due.

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