Friday, January 25, 2019

Golden age of Television

In this era (late 1940s and ealry 1960s) there were live television production in the United States. Television programming had a huge impact on American Culture.  It was really popular back then that poeple would skip their appoitment just to watch a show because if they don't watch it on time, they wouldn't see it again. That's because it was a live show and most  shows were about 60-90 mins long. Gradually the live shows were overtaken by serial dramas filmed in Hollywood.  This is when a lot of actors started getting popular.


Anonymous said...

Cool account of the way that television and the introduction of technology began to overtake peoples' lives. Something interesting to thing about would be how the introduction of other forms of technology and material things had a similar effect.

Anonymous said...

Seeing that this was the golden age for television, would this also be the golden age for Hollywood as well?

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...