Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Dolores Huerta

Born in April of 1930 in New Mexico, Dolores Huerta was raised in a working family. Her father was a miner and farm worker and was very dedicated to political activism. He eventually won a seat in New Mexico legislature. Growing up in this environment, Huerta had early exposure to a life of activism and the demanding of rights. Following her parent's divorce, she moved to Stockton, California, a large farming community. Her mother was heavily invested in political activism there, advocating for the rights of the migrant workers. There were many migrant workers, many of whom were not yet citizens. This was used against them as their fear of being deported was manipulated by the farm owners who they worked for. They were given terrible working and living conditions and were treated abysmally by their bosses. At this point in her life, Dolores was in her 30s and co-founded the National Farm Workers Association with Cesar Chavez. Their combined efforts to create an active organization to get civil rights for the workers. They became political figures, working to elect politicians who had the interests of the people at heart. Their efforts revolutionized the Chicano Movement and the Workers' Movement and their efforts are remembered as legendary.

Image result for dolores huerta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dolores Huerta is a courageous activists who, even though created the farmer union and helped many oppressed people, didn't get much spotlight because of her gender and race. A documentary came out recently focusing on Dolores, which raises awareness about the contributions that she made.

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