Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Edsel is an automobile marque from Ford Motor Company that was highly publicized as "the car of the future."  However, its 1957 unveiling received an adverse initial public reaction and Edsels never gained popularity.  Today, the name "Edsel" is a popular symbol for commercial failure.
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A Ford Edsel, famed for its commercial flop
Ford chose September 4, 1957, as the debut date, dubbing it "E-Day".  In the year leading up to E-Day, Ford heavily invested in a teaser campaign for the new brand and new car.  The public was whipped into a frenzy by the teaser campaign, only to be let down by the final product.  They considered the Edsels to be unattractive and overpriced.
Additionally, many customers thought the Edsel looked ugly.  Ford designers chose to use a vertical grille to make the Edsel stand out, but the grille had to be enormous to keep the car running.  The car looked bad to both critics and consumers.  But Edsel's issues went beyond appearance.  Edsels were assembled in the same factories as the Mercury and Ford cars, and it was expected that the Ford and Mercury production would not drop.  Quality control for different Edsel models was not maintained - some Edsels even left the assembly lines unfinished.
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Edsel's vertical grille was intended to make the car stand out
but was considered ugly by customers and critics
The Edsel started at $2500 and topped at $3800, far more expensive than other Ford models of the time.  Given that it debuted at the beginning of a recession, most customers weren't looking to purchase an expensive Ford.  Sales for most car manufacturers were down, even those that weren't introducing new models.  Edsel's problems were compounded by competition with well-established brands like Pontiac, Buick, and Oldsmobile.  
The Edsel was one of Ford's attempt to target the new consumer culture in America.  At release, they offered 19 different models (in a time where most car companies offered a few) to cater to a broad range of preferences.  However, a number of factors turned Edsel from the "car of the future" to the "Ford that flopped".
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Upon release, Edsel was mocked for the grille that looked like a toilet seat.
Others said it looked like "an Oldsmobile sucking a lemon".


Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing this weird corner of history to light! I never knew of the Edsel's total failure.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I never really started thinking the car looked that bad until I read your blog post. In a way, I almost feel like the media played a big part in flopping the new ford car.

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