Friday, February 1, 2019

Paul Robeson

Paul Robeson's life encompassed a career in law, a professional football career, extensive schooling, and a notable life in performing arts, all enough to prove that he was more than the classic white view of the "black man in America." However, his greatest stand against racism and segregation was shown in his political activism. Lynchings were common occurrences in the early 20th century, asserting white power in a terrible and violent way. After a mass lynching, Robeson had a personal meeting with President Truman himself, urging him to put a stop to the terrors that were going on, not in the world, but right at home. He said that if nothing was done, "the Negroes will defend themselves." He made a huge call to action - earning the support of W.E.B. Dubois and forming the American Crusade Against Lynching. As the Civil Rights Movement was picking up steam, becoming more than a petty uprising that could be squashed by the white population, Robeson was heavily involved. Unfortunately, he was never taken as seriously as he should have due to his affiliation with the Communist Party of the United States. In this time of McCarthyism, he was looked at with no respect, and many of his efforts were never recognized for all that they were.
Paul Robeson 1942 crop.jpg


Anonymous said...

This was very informational. All of his efforts/goals/actions were clearly explained and I still find it interesting that he was largely disregarded because he was communist. It's ironic that the people are fighting for civil rights (rights against discrimination) yet still discriminate against Robeson because he has different political views.

Anonymous said...

This is very well stated and it helped me understand more about him specially since I didn't know who he was a first. You have provided me with a lot of good information.

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