Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Castro, Che, and Cuba

Che Guevara's signature
Che, left, and Fidel Castro, right
From 1953 onwards, Cuba was faced with turmoil. The American government held 90% of the Cuban land, and Cuba was suffering from this. A revolutionary leader named Fidel Castro began to protest this, leading his people to nationalize industries such as sugar cane fields and oil refineries. The United States saw this nationalization as an economic threat and decided that the only way to undertake a sabotage mission against Cuba, branding it as Communist and trying to destroy the new leadership. Castro decided that it would be best to accept the label of Communist and declared that the revolution stood in support of the USSR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After the conflict between the US and USSR(in Cuba), Castro remained in power and his family continued to rule Cuba for more than 60 years. The US continued its trade embargo with Cuba, leading many Cubans to flee the country.

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