Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Daisy Commercial

     The Daisy Commercial was know as "Daisy Girl" or "Peace, Little Girl." This was know as a political advertisement aired on television during the 1964. After this commercial agencies have sold presidential candidates as if they were cars or soap. The commercial sent a clear message if only implicit: Presidential candidates Barry Goldwater was a genocidal maniac who threaded the world and its future. He wanted his message to be clear that if they didn't follow what he commanded that a massive nuclear blast in a classic mushroom shape would happen.


Anonymous said...

Daisy was probably the most controversial political advertisements ever made. Even her parents didn't know what her role was until after it was released. However, it did allow Johnson to win the election.

Anonymous said...

This political advertisement had a remarkable impact and used tactics that would become utilized more later. By making exaggerated accusations of his opponent, Johnson was able to turn the public against Goldwater. Although some of his accusations were questionable, he was able to win the election, and his tactics are more frequently used today.

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After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...