Friday, March 22, 2019

John Dean

The peak of John Dean's career was his position as a White House counsel for President Nixon in the 1970s. His efforts to help Nixon cover up the Watergate scandal landed him in a prison sentence. Initially, at the first break of the scandal, Nixon maintained that there was a private investigation being conducted in the White House that Dean had never heard about. This was the first public instance of Dean being pulled into the White House challenge of covering up the Watergate scandal.
Image result for john dean trial

Eventually, the pattern of covering up the scandal became too much for Dean to bear, and he submitted his letter of resignation to President Nixon. He later wrote books and published articles detailing the involvement of the White House and the president in covering up the scandal and maintaining Nixon's position of power in society and in the eyes of the population.

Dean was sentenced to a reduced sentence in exchange for testifying against the president and his involvement in the scandal. He was charged with a felony for being an accomplice to Nixon in the scandal and covering it up but gave a lot of information to the court. He explained the cost that it would take to hush the burglars and revealed that the president had said the amount was "no problem." The fact that the trial was live and the witness was John Dean was unheard of and the president was instantly looked at in a terrible light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is interesting how many White House officials were arrested while President Nixon received no punishment. Because of this, they exposed information in order to protect themselves.

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