Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Changes that happened because of 9/11

Because of the horrific attack, multiple changes were made. In aviation for example, security was severely increased with the creation of the TSA. Prior to 9/11, only about 5% of baggage was checked by security whereas now, all baggage is checked. Social changes occurred as well. Prior to 9/11, violence against muslims simply because they were muslims weren't very common. However after the attack, assaults against muslims became increasingly common with no sign of slowing down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel like assaults against Muslims has not just been contained to Muslims only - even just the other say, in Sunnyvale, a man intentionally drove his car into a bunch of Indians because he thought they were Muslim. They were Hindus. The family had a 13-year-old child who is now in a coma. These kinds of assaults are at the fault of the ignorance of people. People do not realise that not all Asians think the same, or all Indians, or even all Muslims. As we learned in history, there are many Muslims being attacked by terrorist groups just because they are following their version of the religion that they believe in, and it differs from the terrorist group's views.

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