Monday, April 29, 2019

Daisy Ad

the Daisy Ad was a controversial commercial which was used in President Johnson's campaign. What the commercial did was, it showed the bad about nuclear war and started hinting that Barry Goldwater, the other candidate running for president would start a nuclear war. right away people did not like the ad because it used kids to show bad and horrible things that can happen and kids should never be used for that.


Anonymous said...

It was kind of shocking that Johnson would do it, but it definitely worked and I believe he won in a landslide. Would be nice if you described the commercial in a little more detail, or maybe linked the video.

Anonymous said...

It was kind of shocking that Johnson would do it, but it definitely worked and I believe he won in a landslide. Would be nice if you described the commercial in a little more detail, or maybe linked the video.

Anonymous said...

The commercial itself proved to be quite effective in warning the public about nuclear war and the way that it would drastically change American society and way of life. The severity of the threat of nuclear war was so large that using "Daisy" was what society needed to recognize the threat.

Anonymous said...

This tactic was effective in garnering support for Johnson's campaign, however it made boisterous claims about his opponent and made use of scare tactics to secure his win.

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...