Thursday, April 4, 2019

Rodney King

Image result for rodney king trial    Rodney King is known for being beaten up by the Los Angeles Police Department on California State Route 210. The act was filmed by an onlooker from his balcony and later released to the public. Right before the video was filmed, police officers tried to arrest King for supposedly having a gun. King was thrown out of his van and searched, so when he reached back to hold his butt in pain the police officers thought he was reaching for a gun. The police officers then proceeded to attempt an arrest on King, but King stood up to try to get two of the police officers off his back. This lead the police officers to tase King, ensuing more violence. In the case against the four police officers, three of the four police officers were acquitted with charges of excessive force. This is surprising considering King suffered 11 skull fractures, permanent brain damage, broken bones, broken teeth, kidney failure, and emotional and physical trauma.

Image result for rodney king trial
    Hours after King was beaten, the 1992 Los Angeles Riots started. Many African Americans saw this event and were sparked to advocate for change through violence. The beating of Rodney King was the breaking of a floodgate of emotions and anger for many people in the area, so it took six days for the rioting to finally stop. The rioting was stopped after the California Army National Guard, US Army, and US Marine Corps got involved.

    King died in 2012 (age 47) after accidentally falling into a swimming pool and drowning. Alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana were all found in his system undoubtedly causing his death.


Anonymous said...

This was a very informative post. Rodney King's beating was certainly a tragedy. Personally, I think the officers' defense didn't suitably account for the extensive injuries you described, and I can understand the flood of emotions that led to the Los Angeles Riots.

Anonymous said...

I liked how you detailed the incident to show that there were multiple misinterpretations by the police officers as to what King was doing, or instead showing the amount of aggression used by the officers. It is clear how the Los Angeles Riots started after seeing something so outrageous happen.

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