Saturday, April 27, 2019

Security Before 9/11

There were massive changes in airline security as a result of the 9/11 attacks, but it is interesting to take a look at what things were like before these changes took place.

Things you could bring before the changes:

  1. Blades up to 4 inches long
  2. Baseball bats
  3. Box cutters
  4. Scissors
  5. Darts
  6. Knitting needles
These were just a few items that were now not allowed to be taken on board, and many items were gradually banned later as new threats or possible threats were discovered. These included some concealed liquids and printer cartridges.

It is interesting to question the thought process that many security teams and agencies may have had when determining these rules before the 9/11 attacks, as some of these items should have definitely not been allowed as carry-on luggage.

While there were obviously many holes in the security process, including scanners and the method in which baggage was scanned, it is at least good to see that many changes have been made to address the issue.


Anonymous said...

I agree that the upgrade in security was a great change for the safety of others, but also sad that it took such a tragic incident to make these changes.

Anonymous said...

Nice explanation regarding the change of airport security policy.

MichelleParsons said...

Much of the security measures are much needed however people who are Middle Eastern get searched more often and more extensively by TSA. If your passport shows your country of origin is anywhere in the Middle East you will be stopped and searched.

Anonymous said...

It's truly appalling how little security existed prior to 9/11 and it is almost infuriating how easily the attack could have been prevented if there were greater measures taken to protect the United States from an attack they knew was coming. However, I agree that 9/11 has created an amplified sense of racism towards Middle Easterns, who are constantly profiled as terrorists.

Anonymous said...

unknown was me

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...