Monday, April 22, 2019

Security changes after 9/11

    The fact that 9/11 was possible relates directly to the lack of security in the US. After 9/11 the US realized how much of a threat terrorist could be and how they needed to increase security to prevent future attacks.

Air Travel
    Obviously, security in airports prior to 9/11 was terrible so within two weeks of 9/11 stricter security policies were set in motion. For example, before 9/11 5% of bags were screened, but after 9/11 100% of bags are screened. The Aviation and Transportation Security Act was passed and set up many of the policies that are still in place today, like removing shoes and banning liquids. In addition, fortified cockpits, first-class cabin curtains, and federal flight deck officers allowed to carry a firearm were introduced. As a result of the expensive changes being applied to airplanes and airports, a "Sept. 11 fee" was introduced to passengers tickets, $15 extra per ticket. Over nine years, TSA collected nearly $15 billion.
Image result for security changes after 9/11Image result for security changes after 9/11

    The most famous and important act, the Patriot Act, was introduced after 9/11 to improve US abilities to detect and deter terrorism. The Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act made it so that the State Department and Immigration had to share visa and immigration information with each other. In addition, the US doubled its defense spending by 2011 to reach a total of $708 billion.

    The International Code Council released new and improve building plans for skyscrapers to be able to withstand similar attacks. Changes included elevators usable in emergencies, blast protection, protected ventilation, tougher windows, stairwell improvements, and higher fire-resistant and impact-resist walls for elevators shafts and exit stairwells.
Related image
(pressure sensing bacteria)


Anonymous said...

It's shocking that there was a time in the world where Airports only screed 5% of the bags and allowed liquids on board.

Anonymous said...

So much money has been spent on American security. I wonder how much that has contributed to our national debt?

Anonymous said...

I think the 9/11 attacks showed that even a superpower like the United States wasn't invincible from acts of terrorism, no matter how powerful it seemed. But after the attacks, hundreds of billions of dollars were spent on reinforcing and rebuilding, showing that the superpower did indeed get even more defensive.

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