Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Rise of Terrorist Networks in the 90's

The organization that the United States was affected by the most during the late 80’s and 90’s was Al Qaeda. Founded and led by Osama Bin Laden, the organization funded weapon developers, and smaller organizations that were radicalized and unified against their hatred for “infidels”. They even sought recruits who were living in the United States. Most of their recruits were people who were susceptible to manipulation.Al Qaeda funded training camps that familiarized recruits with chemical weapons, explosives, and firearms.
To gain influence and support, Al Qaeda formed close relations with the terrorist organization the Taliban. Together they endorsed the declaration of jihad. Those that they opposed were Shia Muslims, the US, and essentially anyone who disagreed with their fundamental ideas regardless of their faith or country of origin. It is a common misconception that the US and western nations are the only victims of terrorism, especially from well-known organization, but in reality Shia muslims throughout the Middle East face the threat of terrorism as they are a minority and Terrorist organizations claim their faith is false.


Anonymous said...

I think 9/11 had a huge impact on the knowledge of terrorist organizations for people around the world, everyone knows about Al Qaeda but not any other terrorist organizations. Also, the extent to which terrorist organizations believed in their religion to declare war and risk their lives for their religion is a little crazy.

Anonymous said...

I think that 9/11 was a huge wake up call to the American people and the US government. Prior to this attack, there had only been minor ones, allowing government officials, police, and private organizations to blow off information and security threats as insignificant. Luckily, since 9/11 there haven't been any terrorist attacks that are comparable in terms of effect and destruction.

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...