There was a lot of propaganda regarding Obama created by people who did not want to see him as their president, much of it portraying him as a terrorist and making comparisons to Hitler.
This propaganda was powerful in deterring potential voters from voting for Obama by using fake rumors and conspiracies about him. While most of it seems ridiculous and obviously false, there were, in fact, people who believed it. Anti-Obama propaganda is a strong example of opponents taking drastic measures to bring someone down.
From the time of his campaign to well into his second term negative and racially charged claims and propaganda made to harm Obama's image were circulated. By relating his name with concepts and people who the American people hated, his opponent thought that they would break down his support base. However, Obama was resilient and remained unbothered. I remember seeing on the new an image of a doll made to look like Obama with a noose around its neck and it made me incredibly upset that people who result to such disgusting tactics to show their distaste for the president.
It really is interesting how they are willing to do something like that just because they don't want to see that person in power
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