Sunday, May 5, 2019

mohamed atta

Mohamed Atta was one of the main leaders in hijacking the American Airlines flight 11 and crashed it into the north tower of the twin towers. He was born in Egypt and moved to Cairo at the age of 10. He went on to study architecture at Cairo University and Hamburg University in Germany. Atta first became involved in Al Qaeda in Germany and then disappeared to Afghanistan for a few months when he met Bin Laden and got recruited by Bin Laden to help him attack the United States. Atta came to the U.S in June 2000 and went into piolet school. From there he started training to be a piolet so he could hijack the plane and fly it into the twin towers.


Anonymous said...

It surprising how educated and successful people like Mohamed Atta would become terrorists and go on a suicide mission. The message sent by Bin Laden to destroy the Western civilization was very widespread and powerful.

Anonymous said...

The path leading up to the recruitment and bombing shows how invisible these terrorists' true intentions seemed to be. They attained their education and lived among others as they hid their true feelings about terrorism. It shows how unsuspecting society may have been before an event on the scale of 9/11.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Matthew. The radicalization of totally average people is a scary image, but at the same time it's interesting as well. Almost unnoticeably, Atta became disillusioned with society and transformed himself from a secular middle class citizen into a right winged fundamentalist.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the terrorist organizations look for when recruiting seemingly ordinary individuals. Is is some sort of behavior online? History of neglect or ostracism? it would be equally terrifying and fascinating to know not only what makes one turn to radicalization, but what makes them a candidate to be sought out by radical organizations.

Killing Osama

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