Thursday, May 9, 2019

obama campaign 2008

Barack Obama, the junior United States senator from Illinois announced that he would be running for president. At first many people really questioned him running for president because he did not have much expirence and they did not know if he was going to be capable of taking on this big role. Obama's main point was that there is only one America and we should not be separating people based on race and political view. Obama also visited a lot of Republican states to spread his ideas and maybe turn them into democratic states. Obama was the first African American nominated for a major party. After a lot of campaniging, he was named 44th president of the United States on November 4th 2008, beating John McCain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His strategy was to appeal to all Americans and try to mend the divisiveness of the parties as the last few administrations had exacerbated tensions between conservatives and liberals. Even though he was a democratic candidate, he campaigned heavily in battleground states, middle America, and states that no one thought he would win in. This proved to be incredibly successful for him

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