Thursday, May 9, 2019

Successful Tactics of Obama's Campaign

The overarching theme of the Obama-Biden campaign in 2008 was America's need for change. They played to the fact that there was a need for new ideas and a fresh administration after the wildly unpopular Bush administration. The theme was simple, and inclusive and enticed Americans across party lines. Obama's call for change in public policy including health care and economic reform garnered much support during the period that American's were still feeling the effects of the recession. Another way that Obama gained support was by raising his own campaign funds and rejecting public funds. This made him appear more intend with the American people, it gave him a grassroots feel that Americans found refreshing.


Anonymous said...

Do you think there's a strong reason why Obama decided to go with a man like Joe Biden and not choose someone like Hillary Clinton or another powerful female figure to be his running mate? The strategy of choosing Sarah Palin seemed to work well for McCain, at least at first.

Anonymous said...

Obama also had more interesting facts than Clinton

Anonymous said...

do you think obama ever considered having a female as his vp. We saw how McCain gained a lot of supporters after saying Palin would be his vp.

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...