Sunday, May 5, 2019

Swift Boaters

Swift boating is used to describe an unfair or untrue political attack. The name is obtained from the organization "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth". The reasoning was because of their widely publicized and later discredited campaign against 2004 US presidential candidate John Kerry. After that political smear campaign that term has commonly been used to refer a harsh attack by a political opponent that is dishonest, personal, and unfair. Swift boat veterans objected to use this term to define a smear campaign.


Anonymous said...

This is very interesting but I probably would want to know more information on the swift boaters.

Anonymous said...

Yes, some more examples would've been helpful, but I did learn something that I hadn't know before. Would Swift Boating be like the attack on Barack Obama during the 2004 election, to which John McCain publicly denounced the accusations and defended him?

Killing Osama

After being elected President, Obama accomplished many things but the most notable is ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden. After several...