Friday, May 10, 2019

The 2008 Election

Image result for obama election

        At the beginning of Obama's campaign, very few people expected him to win the presidency or even the democratic nomination. He was young, inexperienced in politics compared to others - both democrats and republicans, and his campaign did not seem to focus specifically on any important issues. Later in the campaign, however, he became more focused on issues such as healthcare and taxes, and this more focused campaign led to an increase in support. 
        After Obama won the democratic nomination, beating more experienced politicians such as Hillary Clinton, almost all of the democratic candidates who had withdrawn from the race endorsed him. This endorsement from experienced and respected people within the democratic party was also a factor in getting more public support, since it showed that his party believed in him.
        On election night, Obama won almost all the swing states, including Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, and Ohio. This led to his decisive victory, winning 365 electoral votes compared to McCain's 173. While many people were initially skeptical of Obama's ability to become president, his campaign quickly gained the support of both the public and other politicians, leading him to the White House.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised he was able to win after coming in as the expected loser. Goes to show his determination and his passion for the country.

Anonymous said...

It really was a change in history for the US. Something they didn't expect at all came to be. I feel like from that point change already was happening

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