Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Know Nothing Party

Image result for the know nothing partyOriginally known as the Native American Party and renamed the American party in 1855, the Know Nothing Party was anti-Catholic, xenophobic, and against immigration. They were called the Know Nothing Party because when they were asked if they participated in the Know Nothing movement, they would respond with "I know nothing."

They believed a "Romanist" conspiracy that claimed that immigrants would emerge and replace Protestant religion and tradition with their "evil" culture. Therefore, they set out to defend against this possibility.

In the spring of 1854, they carried Boston, Salem and other New England cities. In the 1854 elections, they lead in Massachusettes closing on their biggest victory. After the 1854 elections, they moved on to claim Maine, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and California.

On August 6th, 1855, 22 people were killed and this day was known as "Bloody Monday." This riot was between the Catholics and members of the Know Nothing Party. In Maine, they were known for publicly humiliating Catholic priests.

Though they rose quickly, they declined just as fast. After 1855, the party declined because of its division over slavery.

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