Thursday, May 2, 2019

United States presidential election of 2000

The United States presidential election of 2000 was between Al Gore, the Democratic candidate, and  George W. Bush, the Republican candidate. Gore was the vice president to Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001. Bush was the governor of Texas and the son of the former president George H. W. Bush. Gore ran with Senator Joe Lieberman, while Bush chose former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney.


Vice President Gore was able to get the Democratic nomination and appeared to be very favorable, despite Bush's early lead. Bush was seen as the early favorite and was popular among the Republican party members. The major theme of both candidates' campaigns was domestic issues, such as taxes, the national budget, and social insurance and healthcare programs. Despite his extensive experience in the white house, Gore decided to campaign largely without Clinton. This choice was made because Clinton's presidency was associated with the Lewinsky scandal, especially towards its end.

Image result for gore vs bush

In the weeks leading up to the election, it became clear that the election would be a very tight race. As predicted, it was a narrow win, with Bush earning 271 electoral votes against Gore's 266. In fact, this result was down to a difference of a few thousand votes in a single state: Florida. The election's outcome was very controversial due to ballot confusion and Supreme Court interference in the recount. The Court announced on December 12, 2000, that the recounts had to immediately end, automatically giving Florida's votes and the presidency to Bush. It was also a controversial election because Gore won the popular vote by a margin of over 500,000 votes.


Anonymous said...

Great job detailing the controversy towards the end of the election. I think the outcome of the election showed who really seemed to have the power in the end. Many people perceived the election of Bush as unfair and believed that it was a demonstration of how much power the Supreme Court had and how politics could seep into places like the Court. It was undoubtedly one of the most doubted elections in recent American history.

Anonymous said...

you did a really good job, so much detail! I feel like so many people were upset with how the election ended because it was December and people still did not know who was the president,and it all came down to florida. And since they had to do so many recounts people were starting to get impatient.

Anonymous said...

I like all the details. By doing the recounts I thin everyone started get more mad and impatient on the situation and it was taking to long because they kept counting and counting.

Anonymous said...

I find it a bit funny how the future of our country was going to be decided by the quality of the Chad's hole punching. Obviously the division between the parties and the supporters of the candidates was so wide that the democrats were staunchly advocating for the recount.

Anonymous said...

I find it a bit funny how the future of our country was going to be decided by the quality of the Chad's hole punching. Obviously the division between the parties and the supporters of the candidates was so wide that the democrats were staunchly advocating for the recount.

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