Saturday, September 29, 2018


The Exodusters were the names given to African Americans who migrated to Kansas from the South after the Civil War. After the war, the African Americans were treated very harshly in the Southern states even though equal rights and freedom were promised. The Exodusters were not only fleeing from the hate groups such as the KKK, but also from the white population in general who resented the black emancipation. In addition, even though the African American population greatly outnumber white people in the South, black resistances or political campaigns had not made any successful result yet. The Homestead Act that promoted Western Expansion motivated many African Americans to seek a more equal environment for them to live. Over 300,000 Exodusters moved into Kansas; however, many still struggle to keep up with the fast-growing economy because of their small farmlands. Prominent figures such as Benjamin Singleton supported the movement, while Federick Douglass disapproved the idea of leaving the South.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work- the summary was very descriptive yet concise.

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