Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Rise and Fall of Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt was a man unlike any other at the time. Where other presidents failed to implement progressive ideals into law, Roosevelt succeeded. Roosevelt challenged big businesses, most notably Standard Oil and the railroad industry. During his first term in office, Roosevelt had a lot of support throughout the country and was really only contested by monopolies since Roosevelt aimed to break up the monopolies.

However, after William Taft refused to implement Roosevelt's policies after his time in office, Roosevelt ran for office once again, appearing to be a power-hungry maniac simply looking to stifle democracy.


Anonymous said...

I like how you put didn't pictures/ caricatures that we haven't seen before in class. This was very informative for its length; it was short and sweet!

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting how Teddy Roosevelt popularity can fall so quickly even though he has helped improve economic statuses of so many common people.

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