Thursday, October 11, 2018

Annexing Hawaii (1898)

As The United States increased in its economy and gained global recognition due to their Pacific power,  the US annexed Hawaii in 1989 to extend it as a US territory. Leaders in the American Government were worried that Hawaii might become part of a European nation. Since the 1800's Britain and France have been forcing Hawaii to give in to economic treaties. The US wanted other European powers to back off, so they took Hawaii for themselves. Hawaii became a key part of the US' port and sugar cane production. Their economy became intertwined with the US' as they both became wealthy.
Image result for annexing hawaii


Anonymous said...

Very short and sweet! Has all of the information in perfect chronological order. Easy to read and identify information. Nice picture for evidence.

Anonymous said...

Interesting summary and story behind the benefits of annexing this territory.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post that brings the most important details of the annexation to light. Intriguing image as well!

Anonymous said...

I like how you included clear details of the event to allow readers to fully understand how the US annexed Hawaii.

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