Monday, October 1, 2018

Ku Klux Klan

            The name Ku Klux Klan, or simply known as KKK, refers to the three secret klans or movements in US history that advocated for white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration, anti-catholicism. KKK used terror (assault and murder) to spread their messages and gain control. Their main goal was the "purification" of American Society.

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Image result for KKK first klan           The first klan started in the early 1860s and gained quite a few members but then died out in the early 1870s. Its main goal was to overthrow the Republican governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era. They used violence against African-American leaders, and by 1871, it was suppressed by federal law enforcement. Members wore robes, costumes, and masks to hide their identities so that they blacks could not identify the members in a normal day, and if they acted out of way, the klan members would plan something against them.

Image result for KKK second klan         
          The second klan was founded in 1915 and flourished during the mid-1920s mainly because of Griffith's Birth of A Nation. The movie described the "truth" of the first klan and portrayed them as protagonists. The main message of the movie was to show how Reconstruction was a mistake. Eventually, it blew up, and their member count rose to numbers that they hadn't even expected. In addition to terrorizing African-Americans and anyone who supported their equality, the second klan stressed its opposition to Catholics and Jews with more terrorism. The klan was funded by members joining and buying their standard white costumes. They used cross burnings and mass parades/ murders to further plant terror and control over society.

If you would like to watch the movie Birth of a Nation: click here (nothing sketchy- just youtube)

Image result for kkk present day          The third klan (now known as KKK), which still exists today, was founded during the 1950s. Their main purpose is to oppose the Civil Rights Movement and continue to use terror to do so. As of 2016, the klan member count totaled to a total of 3,600 members nationwide. The third klan is composed of the "white, Anglo-Saxon" in WASP. There is no Protestant in the klan because although the klan has promised to uphold Christian beliefs, all of the Christian members have left and denounced KKK.
Bibliography:, A&E Television Networks,


Anonymous said...

I always would hear about the KKK but I never knew its true meaning and what the letters KKK meant.

Anonymous said...

This really made me understand the KKK better.

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