Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Division of German Colonies

As WWI came to a close, the Allies decided to collectively place the blame of the war on Germany. Despite Woodrow Wilson's desire for "peace without victory," many leaders felt pressure to receive compensation for all that was lost during the war. This partially came in the form of dividing German colonies among Australia, Belgium, England, France, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, and South Africa. This was done because, in the eyes of these countries, the German government was unfit to rule themselves, as the country "started a war" that it was unable to win. Therefore, other countries felt their rule was better for the overall wellbeing of the German colonies. 

At this time, the German Empire was very large:

In the Treaty of Versailles, articles 22 and 119 state the repossession of all of the colonies and the promise not to return them to German rule. 

African Division:
In Western Africa, the United Kingdom and France divided Cameroons and Togo. Eastern Africa was split by Belgium, Portugal, and England, who obtained the "missing link" in their colonies that now stretched from South Africa to Egypt. Finally, German Southwestern Africa was given to the Union of South Africa.

Pacific Division:
Japan gained the Marshall Islands, the Carolines, the Marianas, and Kiautschou in China. Samoa was assigned to New Zealand, whereas New Guinea was given to Australia.

This division was seen as "the renewal, not the end, of an imperial era." Furthermore, Wilson saw this action as power-driven, rather than motivated by the improvement of life for citizens within these colonies. 


Anonymous said...

I like how you divided your information. It is very organized, I like your picture- it made your explanations even clearer. I also like your introduction leading into the information. I like how you pull out the articles of the Treaty of Versailles relating to your information

Anonymous said...

It is very clever of you to "divide" your information, just as Germany territories were divided. Hahaha, yes, very good. Clearly, conclusive information and thorough research are present in this reliable source, yes.

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