Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The U.S. Imperialism in Caribean

In the 1880s, the US has expanded internally to a point where there is no more place to expand. So, "political expansionism" began to gain popularity which is the notion to expand America's sphere of influence in nearby countries. The Caribbean became an ideal region for expansion because Britain had begun to pull out their troops at around the same time. 
A border dispute occurred between Venezuela and the British Guiana. America stepped in and warned Britain to settle the dispute with arbitration. This event is influenced by the philosophy of the "Monroe Doctrine" created by President James Monroe. He states that the US will not allow any European countries to colonize the Western Hemisphere; but at the same time, the US will not interfere with any already existing European colonies. The US also constructed the Panama Canel after being convinced that Caribean is a vital interest to the US. The US continued to control the Caribean until the end of World War II.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed how you showed the events that led up to the imperialism of the Caribbean as well as a result that spawned from it.

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